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Re: DCI Laha Seminar Series: October 27, 12:00-1:00pm HST: Mary Therese Perez Hattori
The NSF ALL-SPICE INCLUDES Alliance will be hosting a seminar on Friday, October 27, 2023, with guest speaker Dr. Mary Therese Perez Hattori, the Director of the Pacific Islands Development Program at the East-West Center. Dr Hattori’s talk is entitled, “Equity Dialogs: The Resilient Pacific Islands Leaders (RPIL) Program.” Please see below for details and the registration link, and see the attached flyer.
Diversity, Culture, and Inclusion (DCI) Laha Seminar SeriesFriday, October 27th, 12:00-1:00pm HST
Equity Dialogs: The Resilient Pacific Islands Leaders (RPIL) Program
Dr. Mary Therese Perez Hattori, Director, Pacific Islands Development Program
Abstract: The Resilient Pacific Islands Leaders (RPIL) program supports rising Pacific Islands leaders as an opportunity to enhance their leadership capacities and build a network with other leaders from across the Pacific and the U.S. RPIL participants from twenty island economies are selected based on their commitment to serving their national and regional goals. Facilitated by the Pacific Islands Development Program at the East-West Center, RPIL focuses on the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Themes: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership. RPIL strengthens participants’ understanding of key regional economic, social, political, health, educational and environmental issues, and cultivates culturally sustaining leadership capacities. This seminar provides insight into the program’s goals and the impact it has on the region.
A native Chamoru of Guåhan (Guam), she is a community organizer and advocate for Pacific islanders in Hawaiʻi, co-organizer of cultural events such as the Annual Cultural Animation Film Festival, the Annual Celebrate Micronesia Festival, Micronesian Women’s Summit, and Oceania on the Reel, and teacher/mentor of students in Pacific Studies, Learning Design & Technology, and the UHM & San Francisco State University Educational Doctorate programs which are part of the Carnegie Project on the Educational Doctorate. She is Affiliate Graduate Faculty of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa and the USC Rossier School of Education. Dr. Hattori is also an author, poet, public speaker, and philanthropist.
Registration Link: