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Regional Alliance of INBRE Networks (RAIN) Studio Collaborative Meeting, June 18-20, 2023 Honolulu, Hawaiʻi

This year’s RAIN Collaborative Research Studio Meeting was held in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. The two-and-a-half day meeting was well attended by INBRE Principal Investigators, Directors and Program Coordinators along with Core Directors and Research Project Investigators from all seven network states (Alaska, Hawaiʻi, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico and Wyoming).

A “Meet & Greet” was scheduled on Sunday evening to give attendees a chance to relax, kick back, and socialize. Appetizers (“pūpūs”) and beverages were provided.

Day 1 of the meeting kicked off with welcome and introductions, followed by a presentation on “Team Science and Capacity Building for the Next Generation of Biomedical Research” by Keynote Speaker Dr. Alan Tackett. The remainder of the morning was reserved for Investigator lightning talks, followed by a delicious lunch, and the afternoon with a Collaborator Mixer. The Mixer was set up to give our INBRE investigators an opportunity to meet, collaborate, and formulate inter-network projects that could compete for a RAIN Collaborative Award to fund their project. Investigators were also eligible to compete for a Core Bucks Award to cover for proteomics support by the National Research for Quantitative Proteomics Project.

Day 2 started off with Data Science Core Presentations by Core Directors from each state, followed by a Panel Discussion, another delicious lunch, and the afternoon reserved for the Collaborative presentations and awards. See highlights of this year’s meeting, including the winners of the Collaborative and Core Bucks Awards. Click on the PPT slide links below.

Meet & Greet and Day 1: Rotating PPT Slides

Day 2: Rotating PPT Slides


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